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39010 Tscherms, Italy
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The Oberstein vineyard is located at the Periadriatic Seam, which marks the separation of the Eurasian and African tectonic plates. The extreme conditions that prevailed millions of years ago broke up and crushed the hard granite through plate shifting. This is when this special soil formation was formed on these unique slopes. The steep south-eastern slopes rise up like an arena.

Today, we have to do justice to this site, which has been cultivated by my family for generations. The light, permeable, loamy sandy soil is interspersed with porous, slaty rock material, which appears in some places in the form of protruding rocks. The minerals, above all highly weathered quartzites, feldspars and mica, which the porous and slate-like granite rock releases into the soil, form the basis of my wines.

The terroir together with the strong temperature fluctuations during the day and night, especially in autumn, result in a unique combination for excellent wines with a high recognition value. These factors, combined with my extensive farm philosophy both in the vineyard and in the cellar, give rise to distinctive wines that are strongly influenced by the terroir. That is why my wines develop their unique character: "This is expression, this is power, this is minerality, this is me, this is Oberstein."

PHOTO GALLERY 5 Weingut Oberstein

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