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55278 Eimsheim, Germany
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Wineguide: Weingut Finger
Eight dry wines and a Secoo, just the right thing for every occasion!

Finger Winery

For me, mindfulness is a life principle that is reflected in everything. Within the family, in the team, in respectful interaction with nature, my customers - and time. I analyse the past, but I prefer to plan for the future. I take the time I need to move forward. Time to calm down. Time to bring you and my wines together at the ideal moment. What I enjoy most is living in the here and now. My wines also benefit from this way of being, and they thank me for it in their own very personal way.

For me, attentive perception and respectful interaction are forms of the greatest possible appreciation of people, services and products. I am empathetic, communicate authentically, act authoritatively and make transparent decisions. In return, I earn the trust of my employees, customers and business partners, sommeliers, restaurateurs and specialist wine merchants.
"A handshake is what counts between us" Your Andreas Finger.

"I know no compromises when it comes to my wines."
For me, a wine is perfect when everyone involved - my team, my customers and business partners - can fully identify with it. I strive for the ideal. That's why I don't tolerate bosses: I want to live out my penchant for perfectionism when making wine. For me, less is more. The more natural the better. I care for my wines and vineyards passionately and with attention to detail. This is the only way to give them their unmistakable style.

Why do my wines have numbers?
I love numbers and my wines. For me, both are authentic, important and unique personalities in their own way. Numbers create orientation, reliability, categorisation - and identity. That's why my wines have numbers. Each one visualises a specific style of wine with a special character, which is brought to the table to suit the personal occasion. To then tell its very own wine story.

PHOTO GALLERY 5 Weingut Finger

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