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39052 Kaltern, Italy
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Wineguide: Tröpfltalhof
"I want a wine that is full of energy, authentic, and vibrant. To achieve this, nature must be allowed to show itself in all its splendor and tell its story. Both in the vineyard and in the cellar. We work with nature, not against it!" Andreas Dichristin For over 20 years, I have been striving to strengthen the power and vitality of the soil to produce grapes full of vigor and character. At Tröpfltalhof, biodynamics is not just a cultivation method but a holistic development of the farmer with his farm. Our thoughts are focused on the soil; we aim to build health instead of combating disease. Therefore, in addition to the biodynamic preparations, we also use teas of nettle, chamomile, and field horsetail to strengthen the vital forces. In total, we have about three hectares of vineyards. Besides wine, we also cultivate small amounts of spelt and an old local corn variety that we have been selecting for 12 years according to our best biodynamic conscience. A small flock of sheep grazes between the vines and provides us with manure for compost production, enhancing the spiritual component of the farm organism. The minimalist approach is continued in the cellar. We take nothing away from our wines and add nothing except our loving affection. Spontaneous fermentation, no fining, no pumping; we do not make wines, but we accompany them in their natural development. The only allowed additive is a maximum of 35 mg of sulfur at bottling. The majority of the approximately 8,000 - 12,000 bottles are vinified in Spanish clay amphorae, including our flagship "Sauvignon Amphora Garnellen." I chose amphorae to get the grapes into the bottle as unadulterated as possible and to keep what nature gives us each year in vibrant matter. Our winery and our products are Demeter certified.

PHOTO GALLERY 2 Tröpfltalhof

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