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05018 Orvieto, Italy
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The Santa Croce estate, a former hermit's monastery, is situated on the edge of a plateau between Orvieto and Lago di Bolsena - in the triangle of Umbria-Latium-Tuscany. Thanks to the special terroir, a special red wine has always been pressed on this plateau, which is situated in the middle of a white wine region. Today, it bears the Rosso Orvietano D.O.C. label.

We took over Santa Croce in 1985, restored the estate, tended the vineyard (1 ha), which is now more than thirty years old, according to organic guidelines and converted it to French trellis pruning, which meant a small revolution for the surrounding winegrowers at the time.

In recent years, we have planted another 3 ha of vines according to the latest agronomic findings. With this method, the yield per vine is reduced to a maximum of 1.5 kg of grapes (in contrast to up to 10 kg per vine in conventional cultivation).
To further improve quality, we now only bring 1.0 kg of grapes per vine to maturity.

Contrary to the widespread trend to "design" wines in the cellar, we are convinced that the care of the vineyard plays the largest part in the creation of a wine. Our vineyards are located on gentle to steep slopes on volcanic terroir, facing southwest.

It goes without saying that we do not use any herbicides, pesticides or artificial fertilisers. To keep the microcosm in balance, the soil is mainly mulched, worked by hand and mechanically. Due to the different altitudes, we harvest from the end of September to mid-October. The grapes are harvested by hand and immediately processed in the in-house winery.

After destemming, the mash is fermented in stainless steel tanks at a constant temperature of 22 degrees for 15 to 20 days on the skins.
The pressing is not forced, the marc is only pressed gently and fermented separately.

During malolactic fermentation (biological acid degradation), which can last until mid-December, the wine is tempered to 18 degrees and then aged for several months in French oak b...
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