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95036 Randazzo, Italy
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Tenuta delle Terre Nere is the result of over forty years of passion and vocation for the world of great wines.
An extraordinary place - on this island, within the island that is Etna - I have chosen (and sometimes I think it has chosen me!). Where nature is powerful, but austere. And where I try, with all my virtues, to express in purity in our wines the highly refined and complex microcosm of the area around Etna. All with respect and care, often with a lot of manual work, in an organic balance since time immemorial. The philosophy of the company is very simple. Given the extreme climate, meticulous care of the vineyard is essential to achieve optimal ripeness. And it is precisely this, a very high level of concentration in the cultivation of the vineyards, that distinguishes our winery and allows us, with a raw material of absolute excellence, to have a minimum of work in the cellar, aimed above all at ensuring that the characteristics of the vine and its specific microclimate are expressed in the best possible way in each wine. And then a great, unique team, a delicate hand combined with a special sensitivity to details and nuances. And our ideals, which always compel us to give the best of ourselves, do not seek perfection, but the ideal marriage between what nature gives us and what our experience, sensitivity and imagination suggest.
That is what distinguishes us.
Marc De Grazia - Owner

We produce about 280,000 bottles (Etna DOC about 4.5 million bottles from 383 producers), of which 15 are labels (9 red wines, 5 white wines and one rosé)
We work in 9 out of 133 quarters (contrade) of Etna, 7 in the north, 1 in the east and 1 in the southwest.
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