70734 Fellbach, Germany Show on map Show in places
70734 Fellbach, Germany Show on map Show in places
Fellbacher Weingärtner eG
From Sauvignon Blanc to Trollinger - the award-winning Fellbacher Weingärtner eG has for years relied on a three-stage quality concept for the intensive cooperation between viticultural production, cellar management and distribution. This has already been further intensified for the wines of the basic edition >C< werden Ertragsregulierungen vorgenommen. Diese werden über die Edition >S< bis zur Edition >P<. This is how top wines of international format are produced. The selection of grape varieties is also based on tried and tested regional varieties such as Trollinger, Lemberger, Pinot Noir and Riesling, but modern and international varieties such as Syrah, Merlot, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc are also cultivated. Renowned prizes such as the Vaihinger Löwe, the German Red Wine Award, the Berlin Wine Trophy or the Cooperative Cup regularly confirm the high quality standards.