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25017 Lonato del Garda (BS), Italy
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Wineguide: Deianira srl
All stages of production are followed: from the harvesting and selection of the grapes to the vinification and bottling of the products under the supervision of the Quality Control Office.
For Deianira eco-sustainability means: attention, care and respect for natural resources.

Deianira seeks product quality, but always with respect for the environment and in keeping with the values of ethics and social responsibility.
A highly vocated area must possess well-defined and objectively suitable characteristics for the type of soil.
The soil is mainly calcareous and clayey, with a rich concentration of stones. These particular geological (as well as microclimatic) conditions favour the cultivation of native grapes such as Corvina, Rondinella and Molinara, which absorb the high density of nutrients in the soil.
Altitude - preferably higher than 200 metres above sea level - and exposure to the sun are of utmost importance. Greater exposure to the sun provides the grapes with better phenolic preparation and ripening, as well as an increase in sugar content.
In addition, this condition combined with proper ventilation leads to less humidity; the grapes will thus be more suitable for drying.
Our vineyards are cultivated with the utmost care. We follow a protocol on treatments and fertilisation, established by the Consortium for the Protection of Valpolicella Wines (project RRR - Reduce, Save, Respect), whose guidelines prohibit the use of numerous pesticide products. We do not perform chemical fertilisation, only organic fertilisation.
The soils are also grassed in between the rows, thus limiting the vigour of the vines and creating an important vegetative-productive balance.
For each hectare planted with vines, we leave a limited number of buds per plant, thus aiming for a quality product.

PHOTO GALLERY 6 Deianira srl

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