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12050 Castellinaldo d'Alba, Italy
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The Cascina del Pozzo has been an agricultural reality since its beginnings.
GIACOMO MARCHISIO began producing wine in the early 1900s in his cellar in VIA CAVOUR in Castellinaldo d'Alba. At that time, wine growing was not the only source of income for our family... in addition to wine, peaches were also grown and sold. Farming was done exclusively by hand, and Giacomo owned a cow that he used to work the vineyards, from which he produced only red wine at the time. Soon after, Giovanni (1913) and Mario (1927), the second generation of the Marchisio family, followed in their father's footsteps and began to follow in his footsteps at a young age. Giacomo died in the early 1950s and the two heirs soon decided to divide up the land inherited from their father (the total area was around 4 hectares). In 1945, Flavio Marchisio, the third generation, was born to Giovanni and his wife Quintilia. Giovanni and Flavio continued the wine production, but without applying their own label; the wine obtained from their harvests was entirely bought by middlemen of the region (it was said that they bought the winery... not in the physical sense, but to imply that they bought the entire production obtained from the harvest), which they emptied during the year.
The turning point came in 1978, when Flavio Marchisio became the first winemaker in Castellinaldo to go down the direct sales route. From 1978 onwards, Flavio gradually increased his production by buying new plots close to those he was already working with his father Giovanni and little Gianmario, born in 1974, the fourth generation. Commitment, courage and passion could be felt throughout the family, and that was Flavio's good fortune. In 1983, the family business moved to the Brunnen winery (the company's current headquarters), where Giovanni, Flavio and his wife Vilma built their new winery. This is where we find the first labels of the Flavio Marchisio agricultural company. Gianmario did not drop the baton passed on by his...

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