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37035 San Giovanni Ilarione (VERONA), Italy
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My wine cellar is located on land of volcanic origin, whose acidity favours vines, giving rise to a wine with unique, structured and persistent aromas. In fact, my vineyards grow amidst walls of lava flows that cleave the landscape, creating true works of natural art.
Once upon a time, in fact, viticulture was not widespread in the 'Valley' where people preferred to grow wheat. On the hills instead, mainly for family use, it was
practice of planting vines, mostly made from the famous 'maritate' vines. Even back then, the Durella vineyard was the host. Such viticulture began with
the arrival of the Romans, we then find in local documents (Statuti di Custozza) from 1292 a variety called 'Duràsena', which must have already been widespread and
from which today's Durella derives.
The valleys of the Lessini mountains were also marked by the passage of the Cimbri: a Germanic people who settled in the Vicentino mountains in the Middle Ages.

Our oldest vineyards stand at a height of about 200 metres above sea level and were planted about seventy years ago, on land where sowing was particularly difficult.
At the time, all the work was done by hand; we still remember when our grandparents used to plant the so-called 'wild' shoots in December to protect them from frost so that they would sprout the following year and could be grafted with the Durella variety.The new-generation vines were planted in 2018 in Cattignano, one of the 15 macro-zones or CRUs of the area at an altitude of 520 metres above sea level, on a slope facing south-east to allow optimal exposure and temperature range.
In this CRU there are substrates of both volcanic (volcanites, flow basalts and columnar) and limestone (Mesozoic limestones) origin,
where all types of 'Durella' can be found, especially in the old plantations. It is also an area that has seen the planting of other varieties such as Chardonnay and Pinot Noir in recent years. Analyses carried out on the mu...
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