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Address: Address
29400 Ronda, Spain
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Website: www.f-schatz.com
Wineguide: F. Schatz
The Schatz family has its origins in Southern Tyrol (Trentino, Tyrol), the German speaking part of Northern Italy near the Dolomites. The family finally settled in the South of Germany, in Korb (state of Baden Württemberg) and has been specialized in viticulture since 1641.

At only 18 years of age there were two things Friedrich Schatz had already clear in his mind: first, that he wanted to continue the family winemaking tradition, and secondly that he wanted to do this in a region with a better climate.
1982 arrived and he started his journey in order to find the ideal place. He travelled through various countries and areas and finally chose Spain, more specifically Ronda, which is geographically located by the Mediterranean but is strongly influenced by the Atlantic. Situated in the heart of Andalucia, the Serrania de Ronda, is an area where the Iberians and later the Romans already cultivated their vineyards, more exactly in the old town of Acinipo (Ronda la Vieja - Land of Wine).
He found the finca and the house, Finca Sanguijela, with its peculiar name and located in the Sierra de la Sanguijuela. Strangely enough, the initials of the Finca and Friedrich happened to be the same, so it was only natural that the logo of the bodega would be FS. But first he needed to learn the language. An intensive course in Marbella to learn Castillian Spanish as well as the 'practical lessons' with the bricklayers who took part in the renovation of the house, worked wonders for the mutual understanding and his perfect Andalusian accent. The goal was to create a vineyard and a bodega where he could create organic- biodynamic wines of high quality. Lively wines which are full of life. Cared for and produced on the base of traditional wisdom in conjunction with modern techniques. Finca Sanguijuela already had a small vineyard but it was still necessary to conduct tests with the different varieties in order to see which ones would adapt best to the soil and its unique condition...
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