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73730 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany
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Good wines and competent service at the highest level - that is what we offer our customers from the specialist trade and gastronomy. Great wines are created through care, trust and dedication. These qualities also form the basis for successful cooperation. And so many customers have long since become our companions.

Acting with heart

As a classic family business, the wine agency was founded in 1976 by H.F. Kunz. Since 2001, it has been managed and further developed by the second generation, Stephan Kunz. With our own wine import in 1999, we created the ideal conditions to react even faster and more flexibly to trends and changes, and thus also to increase the level of service for our customers.

The focus of our activities is on the distribution of wine, sparkling wine, champagne and spirits, so that in the area of Baden-Württemberg we take on all the tasks of a successful distribution in close cooperation with our partners. Our love for our profession is the best foundation for our work, to which we personally dedicate ourselves every day with creativity and competence.
in vino veritas

We feel very attached to this wisdom. However, we are not talking about the moments of looking deep into one's soul in a certain wine bliss. Rather, we are referring to the courage and ambition to analyse the situation and the respective competitive environment in detail. Only then is it possible to recognise real opportunities as well as risks and to develop appropriate measures to achieve the common goals.
Discoveries, encounters, developments

It goes without saying that our business is shaped by people. There is often a spark that creates enthusiasm or a new impulse, or even an honest laugh. All these moments are always an incentive to look for solutions, to understand the market better, to simply become better. We give everything for this: sustainability in administration and sales, efficiency in all solutions and measures, respect in dealing with each other are...

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